Saturday, December 6, 2014


Sitting here going through memory lane (via pictures I've posted on facebook), and I had an epiphany. There are more pictures of me from the last few months than there are from the last 10 years. Okay, I haven't had a facebook account THAT long, I believe I created it after I gave birth to my son to share pictures of him (and my girls) with my family that live out of state, and also with my friends. I LOVE sharing about them. I am definitely a proud mom!

It just amazes me at the level of confidence I have gained over the last few months. I used to be that mom who was so ashamed of her body that she just wanted to shrink into the wall or under a rock and hide. I did not feel worthy of anyone's love. Let alone the love of my children.

I see that now only because I no longer feel that way. No, I am not completely comfortable with my size yet. But I am not so shy anymore. I actually make eye contact with strangers. I smile at people more. I say hello to the random person in the grocery aisle. I am more comfortable (not completely yet) chatting up a stranger about some random topic (appropriate to the items we are browsing or events around us of course).

No, I didn't find a magic pill. No, I haven't been going to counseling. No, I didn't join some women's empowerment group. Well, not really. I DID join in with an amazing group of women (and men) who are focused on making their lives (and the lives of everyone they can touch) BETTER. We have a hurting world full of hurting people. I am so lucky to have been introduced to this group of people who have helped me gain confidence, and self esteem. Who have supported me on my journey to health (physically, emotionally, and mentally).

I am happy to say I have lost 36 pounds and about as many inches over the last 3 months. Plus, I am no longer taking the nerve medication I was taking three times a day (with a double dose at bedtime) for my chronic back pain. But what amazes me the most is what I have gained! I have gained friendships, family, love (from others, to others, and to myself), confidence, self esteem, 'new' wardrobe (went shopping in my closet, lol), knowledge, faith, hope, and healing (just to name a few things).

To learn more about my journey and what I've been doing, visit my profile.

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