Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year's Resolutions?

New Year's Resolutions? No!! New Year REAL Solutions! I know this time of year many people (probably most of America) are making "resolutions" to lose weight, or eat better, or exercise more, etc. Do you see the problem with those so called goals? They are vague!! If you truly want great things in 2015, if you truly want change, then your goal must be that. A goal. Webster's defines a goal as: "the end toward which effort is directed". So there you have it. A goal will not be achieved without effort put forth towards it.

With that being said, I'd like to share with you my goals for 2015.

  1. Reach my goal weight
  2. Help others gain confidence
  3. Support others' nutritional goals
  4. Motivate others towards their fitness goals
  5. Be PRESENT with my kids
  6. Find a financial balance
  7. Spend 10 minutes EVERY DAY in personal development
  8. Set business hours for Beachbody
  9. Focus on water intake and what I'm eating
  10. DAILY workouts - NO EXCUSES
For these to be real goals I must know how and when I will complete them. They all pretty much will be achieved by continuing to do what I have been doing the last three months. By continuing to focus on my health & fitness, continuing to share my experience, and continuing to help others do the same, I will achieve all 10 of my goals before the year's end. I expect to reach my goal weight by Summer so I can rock a bathing suit when my kids and I go swimming.

I ask you to share one GOAL with me. A real solution. Not a resolution. And not I will end with my favorite quote: "To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done."

If you are ready to learn how you can make your solution a reality this next year, message me on Facebook or on my Beachbody profile page.

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